Allow the mural of our Puerto Rican flag to STAY on Biscayne

Firma y comparte! Para q se quede nuestra bella bandera en la Biscayne!

Governor Scott, Governor Elect DeSantis, Miami Mayor Suarez, City of Miami Planning Board: Take our petition into consideration if you want to earn our trust and support.

After Hurricane Maria, a terribly unfortunate natural disaster that gravely affected our families and friends, many Puerto Ricans and Miamians have looked for ways to help Puerto Rico’s residents get back on their feet.

We have taken part in numerous efforts that have united our people, solidified our cultural identity and further aligned our similarities with other cultures and nationalities here in the amazing city of Miami.

We have also welcomed, joined and accepted all other nationalities in appreciation of their efforts towards us during our time in need, and have responded with our support towards them.

Upon this sense of community, an idea was born. Celebrities and hundreds of people joined their efforts to continue forging this union with all by paying tribute with a mural of our Flag, the flag of Puerto Rico, to our community, to the people that perished during that horrible natural event, to those that suffered so much because of it, to the ones that made the ultimate sacrifice fighting our country’s wars, and to those that have given back so much to us, to the city of Miami, to the State of Florida and to our amazing United States of America.

After many months of planification, investment, collaboration, support from hundreds of people and requesting and receiving approval permits from the city, this tribute is now being threatened to be removed by a small locally created board.

This flag means a lot to Puerto Ricans living here in Miami, to many Miamians that have always welcomed us, and to many others that gracefully offer their support. Besides being a well deserved, a well meaning, and well made tribute, it is also a fantastic opportunity as a touristic attraction that will surely help further the economic development of a now desolate area with a vast amount of vacant dirty buildings.

We ask for the pertinent governmental entity to allow this very well made mural to remain in place and give the area an opportunity to thrive.

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